Cindy Watts, CPA
Ms. Watts’ practice focuses primarily on the construction and real estate development industries where she has been serving clients for over 30 years. She is experienced in all aspects of financial reporting and taxation for contractors and real estate developers. Ms. Watts joined Soren McAdam in 1982.
- Bachelor of Science in Accounting - California State University, Sacramento in 1981
- Completed PKF North American Network Leadership Training Program, which is designed to aid in the development of new partners
- Continuing informal education centers on all aspects of the construction and real estate industry, including individual, partnership, and corporate income tax issues
- Member of the California Society of Certified Public Accountants and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
- Former officer in the National Association of Women Contractors
- Member of Construction Industry CPAs/Consultants Association (CICPAC), national association of accounting firms who serve construction companies
- Member of Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA), and currently working to help establish an Inland Empire Chapter of CFMA
By her own admission, she is a “voracious reader.” She loves to cook and takes classes to increase her menu selections.